A unique path

Since the nineties, Calicantus has been a beacon and a contrary note that has brought to Switzerland, in addition to its acclaimed technical quality and wonderful sound, the charm of an unusual and eclectic repertoire, ranging from the Renaissance to international folklore, from ethnic music to jazz and pop.

The wind of innovation that has slowly been perceived even in our part of the world, has brought movement, choreography and staging to the choral scene. It is fresh and inventive, sporting a variety of costumes and a singular theatricality.

Since then, many choirs in Ticino and on the other side of the Alps have been inspired by the innovations that Calicantus brings to the Swiss choral scene.

Twenty-five years of Calicantus
The Calicantus choir has been active in education and art for twenty-five years, both in Switzerland and internationally. Its aim is to educate the younger generations and organize cultural exchanges with choirs from around the world.

Calicantus brings music’s style and energy to life, presenting a true example of cooperation between people and generations.

A unique and extraordinary musical and educational laboratory, where a magical chemistry is initiated by the expert and insightful vision of its director and founder Mario Fontana.

The success
The results of this twenty-year period are countless endorsements and numerous first prizes received at prestigious national and international competitions.

The most important result, however, is educating the children to work together for a common purpose, which turns into enthusiasm, passion and active participation resulting in a constantly evolving and changing experience that transforms young people into future singers and tomorrow’s audience.

Young people who participate in numerous prestigious festivals all over Europe and overseas come into contact with new cultural and artistic environments. Thanks to the extensive work of their teacher, they represent our nation as cultural ambassadors.

Music, culture, society
Music inspires tolerance and peace. The sense of “collective” is a precious foundation in the education of tomorrow’s citizens and participating in a chorus can be a powerful learning experience to acquire these values.

If culture is given a prominent position in society, choral and orchestral music for young people is regarded as an indispensable and vital resource. It is an activity that should be fostered and supported so it can flourish in a healthy and unprejudiced manner.

Educational value
Beyond the emotional impact of working together for a common goal, sharing, giving and respecting are values that are constantly and persistently developed. Those who give themselves to music discover ancient values inherent in our souls and are able to rejoice in personal and group achievements.
Community service
The Calicantus singing school has been operative for decades, offering an important service to the community.

Thanks to its international experience, artistic achievements and acknowledged educational value, Calicantus continues its educational and cultural missions, promoting cultural exchanges, participating in festivals of all kinds and developing a comprehensive approach to musical discipline.

Calicantus spotlights humanitarian activities by offering a variety of charity concerts every year.

Having the privilege of making music can and should also induce us to try to make the most out of this opportunity, to try to understand what happens beyond our comfort zone, to build an environment that aims to provide a more mature place for music in our daily lives.

I’ve been in the choir for ten years and have evolved from child to adult.
I truly grew up with the choir, both physically and as a person.

I learned a lot and received so much, but best of all, I also learned to give and be genuinely connected.


Coro Calicantus

My friends often make fun of me because I sing in a choir, but they don’t understand what it means to have a passion, follow it, learning together with so many wonderful people!

Coro Calicantus

Discover our choirs

From 7 to 11 years

Preparatory choirs

from 10 to 18 years old

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